A few long overdue announcements. First, a few weeks back I added two blogs to the blog roll over there on the right hand side of your screen. Herr Vogler is a good friend of mine and also a sometimes film composer and full time listener. His blog covers not only film music, but also just about any topic (politics being a favorite). Check it out. Also ‘Music: The Universal Sandwich’ is done by a friend of mine here in school, and while he needs to update more often, he offers many unique thoughts.
Finally, I am in the process of re-tooling my old Livejoural account to make it into an entertainment based review/critique blog. While I talk only of music here at The Temp Track, the Livejournal account will be where I can talk about the books, movies, tv shows, non-film music, etc. without having the musicologists glasses on (though I’m sure it will seep in). I will be adding that link to the blog roll soon.
Anyway, just a few quick notes. Go about your day as usual now.
Update 3/24: I’ve completed overhauling my old Livejournal account and have added it to the blogroll.