Happy Monday/Tuesday to you Loyal Readers one and all. First, thank you for all the visits recently. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been updating more often or if the same 5 people are coming back over and over, but there has been a noticeable uptick in visits and that is great! It encourages me to update more often and also strive for better content. Now if I could just get you to comment!
The week ahead is Inception week, and I’m sure you already know (the pre-release reviews have been astounding). The score is released on Tuesday and I’m going to try to get some first impressions up that night or Wednesday with a full review to come once I’ve seen the film (hopefully) this weekend. Also, as I mentioned earlier, this week’s edition of Film Score Friday Top 5 (FSFT5) will be sci-fi scores since 2005 in honor of the film. I’ve had a hard time putting together this list, and I’m still working through some things, but I’ll detail that in Friday’s post.
I will be going on vacation in a few weeks, but I have a few FSFT5 lists that I’ll be working on to hopefully satisfy hungry minds and ears. I also have a more content heavy post in the works, but I still need to do some more listening and music transcribing.
Anyway, lots to look forward to, so keep on coming back, or subscribe via Google Reader! Either way, comment and let me know what you think and maybe also give suggestions for future posts. Blogging helps to push me to be a better writer and scholar, and I hope I help to push you to be a better listener when you’re at the theatre.